Monday, January 15, 2007

October 2006

Hi Friends

We had a wild October that was punctuated with the Korean Thanksgiving celebration during the first week and a week of parent teacher conferences and staff development training at the end. In between, Kim Jong Il’s regime exploded a nuclear device that upset the world. The good news is that God is our Shield and Defender and that He knew all that North Korea was up to. We need to pray that Kim Jong Il will change his exploits from military ventures to humanitarian ventures, but more importantly that he will stop the idolatry of his father and allow Christ to be preached to a nation that desperately needs the Gospel.

Times marches on in biology, chemistry, and physics. We finished the 1st Quarter and are now in the 2nd Quarter. The students have a paper due on the Military Contribution to Science on 10 November and a 3-5 minute report on any science topic of their choice due in November, so they will be busy. We have had three meetings of the paper airplane club. It is hard to imagine the amount of information there is out there concerning paper airplanes. We meet every other Friday after school. I told you about Monish last letter. He is the president of the club and I get to let my light shine before him.

Monish is being discipled by other teachers. One of the biology students who runs cross country accepted Jesus as Lord two weeks ago and I have started a program to disciple him over lunch on Wednesdays.

There are three specific prayer requests that I have concerning staff devotions. First, each teacher is given a Spiritual Day and mine will be on November 8 (Tammy’s birthday) and I pray for insight and revelation on this day. Second, I will lead the faculty devotions on 14 November. I plan on using Psalm 145 as the foundation for this short devotion. Third, I will be the chapel speaker on 29 November. I plan on using 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 to tell them they have to work hard, pray hard, and do their part and that God will do His. When I went to Ranger School, I made sure I knew all the military terminology as I prepared myself academically. I ensured my boots were well broken in and was physically ready by weight lifting, running, and road marching as I prepared myself for the hardships. And I claimed and memorized Philippians 4:11-13 as I prepared myself spiritually. But this comes full circle because some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we trust in the Name of the LORD our God.

Yong Hui continues to serve here in Uijongbu. First, there are several ladies who need an intense Bible study and Yong Hui is planning on using one of the Precept books that are translated into Korean to teach them. She definitely needs our prayers in this. She is also taking a ladies’ Bible Study by Beth Moore ‘To Live is Christ’.

The Wild at Heart by John Eldridge Bible study is in its 4th week and we are learning about how God created us to be men. I led the lesson that focused on the characteristics of God and we had a good discussion about our God who is the King of Glory and who is a Warrior God. Very appropriate for the leaders of the Warrior Division.

Yong Hui has our home almost where she wants it. We have a good friend who has been helping us decorate the interior and it is amazing how they have put it together (the slang word for this furniture is street furniture).

There are several prayer requests and praises for us:
Praise God for the opportunities for formal discipling with Min.
I am planning on leading an Experiencing God class during Sunday School beginning in November, so lift that up as well.
Tammy is heading for Africa with a group ‘Heart for Africa’ on 29 Nov. She has her funds raised, but needs physical strength as the group is doing a lot in just a few days.
Tim and Jason are in a Precept Bible Study on the Book of James and will study a series by John Bevere after the study on James is over. They are doing the study on Wednesdays at our house.
Yong Hui needs wisdom as she develops her lesson plans for her Bibles studies.
Jason is in the middle of a job change because his contract with the city of Colorado Springs ended because of problems with entering every house to change the meter from manual to radio controlled.

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