Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 2007

Dear Friends,
We are moving into the hi-tech arena as we purchased a digit camera and are using that to record our ministry here in Korea. Yong Hui and I have not taken as many photos as we should have in our lives (although once I did take 30 minutes of the ground when I thought I turned off the Beta camera we bought in Korea in 1984) and this will be an adjustment for us. I also have the website for our school and for our blog page.
I hope you enjoy seeing a serious Min because he is much more fun loving. We are working our way through a discipleship series called MILK to remind us that a new Christian needs milk before he or she can move on to meat. (Unavailable for now)
We spend the first part of January starting off the 2nd Semester and the second part preparing for our Spiritual Emphasis Week that starts on 29 Jan 07. I will cover the week in my February newsletter and ask you to pray for it as we will begin shortly after you receive this.
God reminded us of His Words in James 4:15, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that” as we were traveling to and from Colorado. Our plan was that we would fly from Seoul to San Francisco to Denver. Instead we flew to San Francisco and rented a car to drive to Colorado Springs because the Denver airport was closed because of snow. Our return plan was to fly from Denver to San Fran to Seoul. Instead we flew from Denver to San Fran to Las Vegas to Seoul because snow delayed us leaving Denver enough to miss our connection to Seoul. Did I mention that our luggage was delayed by 2 days?
We (or at least Yong Hui did and I slept though it) had a 4.8 earthquake on Saturday to remind us Psalm 46.
Our youth put on an evening service at the Uijongbu Baptist Church and one of my science students, Bobby wrote the skit that they did entitled, “No Man Can Serve Two Masters.” He wrote two more for the Spiritual Emphasis Week and I can hardly wait to see them.
The praise team is back in gear and has been making a joyful noise unto the Lord during the Wednesday chapel services.
I am confident that we will have a good semester and year.
Please pray for:
• Open hearts (teachers and students) to receive the message of the Spiritual Emphasis Week. Some need to receive Christ as personal savior, some need to walk in obedience to Christ, and some need to make commitments to Christian Service.
• Students to make commitments to be holy during the Purity Seminar on 1 Feb 07.
• For Yong Hui in her ladies Bible Study which is now called the Hodos Group (Greek for The Way) (Much better than the Korean Mafia).
• For me as I lead the Chapel on 7 Feb. My theme will be from Josh McDowell’s book Right from Wrong as I drive home some of the reasons that we do what we do as Christians.
• Pray for Tammy who has some major decisions to make.
• Pray for Jason who is still looking for a permanent job.
• Pray for our seniors who are busily seeking colleges to attend. Pray they will have patience as they wait. Several are still taking SAT tests or SAT-II. Some of the juniors have started to take these tests.
• We have at least two teachers in-bound for next year. Pray for Julie and Rich as they prepared to teach Kindergarten and High School History.
• Pray for our Experiencing God Sunday School class.
• Pray for the Wild At Heart Men’s Group at Camp Red Cloud and lift up all the chapel staff of the 2nd Infantry Division.

Monday, January 15, 2007

October 2006

Hi Friends

We had a wild October that was punctuated with the Korean Thanksgiving celebration during the first week and a week of parent teacher conferences and staff development training at the end. In between, Kim Jong Il’s regime exploded a nuclear device that upset the world. The good news is that God is our Shield and Defender and that He knew all that North Korea was up to. We need to pray that Kim Jong Il will change his exploits from military ventures to humanitarian ventures, but more importantly that he will stop the idolatry of his father and allow Christ to be preached to a nation that desperately needs the Gospel.

Times marches on in biology, chemistry, and physics. We finished the 1st Quarter and are now in the 2nd Quarter. The students have a paper due on the Military Contribution to Science on 10 November and a 3-5 minute report on any science topic of their choice due in November, so they will be busy. We have had three meetings of the paper airplane club. It is hard to imagine the amount of information there is out there concerning paper airplanes. We meet every other Friday after school. I told you about Monish last letter. He is the president of the club and I get to let my light shine before him.

Monish is being discipled by other teachers. One of the biology students who runs cross country accepted Jesus as Lord two weeks ago and I have started a program to disciple him over lunch on Wednesdays.

There are three specific prayer requests that I have concerning staff devotions. First, each teacher is given a Spiritual Day and mine will be on November 8 (Tammy’s birthday) and I pray for insight and revelation on this day. Second, I will lead the faculty devotions on 14 November. I plan on using Psalm 145 as the foundation for this short devotion. Third, I will be the chapel speaker on 29 November. I plan on using 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 to tell them they have to work hard, pray hard, and do their part and that God will do His. When I went to Ranger School, I made sure I knew all the military terminology as I prepared myself academically. I ensured my boots were well broken in and was physically ready by weight lifting, running, and road marching as I prepared myself for the hardships. And I claimed and memorized Philippians 4:11-13 as I prepared myself spiritually. But this comes full circle because some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we trust in the Name of the LORD our God.

Yong Hui continues to serve here in Uijongbu. First, there are several ladies who need an intense Bible study and Yong Hui is planning on using one of the Precept books that are translated into Korean to teach them. She definitely needs our prayers in this. She is also taking a ladies’ Bible Study by Beth Moore ‘To Live is Christ’.

The Wild at Heart by John Eldridge Bible study is in its 4th week and we are learning about how God created us to be men. I led the lesson that focused on the characteristics of God and we had a good discussion about our God who is the King of Glory and who is a Warrior God. Very appropriate for the leaders of the Warrior Division.

Yong Hui has our home almost where she wants it. We have a good friend who has been helping us decorate the interior and it is amazing how they have put it together (the slang word for this furniture is street furniture).

There are several prayer requests and praises for us:
Praise God for the opportunities for formal discipling with Min.
I am planning on leading an Experiencing God class during Sunday School beginning in November, so lift that up as well.
Tammy is heading for Africa with a group ‘Heart for Africa’ on 29 Nov. She has her funds raised, but needs physical strength as the group is doing a lot in just a few days.
Tim and Jason are in a Precept Bible Study on the Book of James and will study a series by John Bevere after the study on James is over. They are doing the study on Wednesdays at our house.
Yong Hui needs wisdom as she develops her lesson plans for her Bibles studies.
Jason is in the middle of a job change because his contract with the city of Colorado Springs ended because of problems with entering every house to change the meter from manual to radio controlled.

September 2006

Hi Friends

It is hard to believe that we have been here for one full month. Looking back, it seems much longer because of all the things that have been happening. In fact, Yong Hui and I looked back at one Wednesday and wondered if it was only one week ago, it seemed like months.

We had a staff development time where the three schools from the Network of International Christian Schools came together. We have schools in Uijongbu (the oldest (and ours)which was started in 1983 and one in Seoul (just 1 mile from where Yong Hui lived when I met her) and one in Pyong Tec (near Camp Humphreys or Osan Air Base). The network has schools from Afghanistan to Indonesia and 12 other countries in between. We service 3,000 students and one count was that 250 students received Christ last year as their personal savior.

I guess time flies by so quickly because we have been very busy with teaching biology, chemistry, and physics; with the church activities, the Saturday morning Bible Studies, school sports (we have a good cross country team and a good volleyball team (boys and girls), and working out.

One of the things about our school is that we are saving the children and then the parents. At a recent baptismal, we had 4 students and 3 parents baptized. There are two forces that we have to deal with at our school. The first is the fact that some of our students from non-Christian homes cannot tell their family members of their salvation. One of my favorite tenth graders (Monish) is an Indian with Hindu parents. He cannot even tell his younger brother who is a sixth-grader at our school. That leads to the second force in that students make multiple confessions of faith because they do not have the support at home to discuss their salvation and do not grow in their faith outside of the school. But we are working on these situations one student at a time.

Monish has a zeal toward paper airplanes and he and I started the model airplane club which has 11 members (all 4th and 5th graders). There are some amazing websites dedicated to paper airplanes, so the cost of the club is time, construction paper, scissors, and glue. He is discipled by another teacher, but this will enable me to also let my light so shine.

We have an energetic praise and worship team that leads our chapel services every Wednesday. There is always an inspiring message that causes the students to evaluate their lives and make changes in their Christian walk. The theme of this year is Keys to Success. My time of being the chapel speaker is 29 November. I plan on using 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 to tell them they have to work hard, pray hard, and do their part and that God will do His. When I went to Ranger School, I made sure I knew all the military terminology as I prepared myself academically. I ensured my boots were well broken in and was physically ready by weight lifting, running, and road marching as I prepared myself for the hardships. And I claimed and memorized Philippians 4:11-13 as I prepared myself spiritually. But this comes full circle because some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we trust in the Name of the LORD our God.

It looks like Yong Hui has several items of her Christian service here in Uijongbu. First, there are several ladies who need an intense Bible study and Yong Hui is planning on using one of the Precept books that are translated into Korean to teach them. She definitely needs our prayers in this. She is also taking a ladies’ Bible Study by Beth Moore ‘To Live is Christ’ (they would not let me in this study although Beth Moore quoted a letter from me in the first lesson). She is also one of the ladies who helps clean the church on Thursdays and she helps when it is time for the Korean pot luck (which is coming up). She may also help with the Army Community Service on Camp Red Cloud as there are many families here that need support.

Speaking of Camp Red Cloud, it is the home of the headquarters of the 2nd Infantry Division. I go to a Bible Study on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays sponsored by the Division Chaplain as we study Wild at Heart by John Eldridge. I lead the next lesson that will be on 9 October. The leaders’ guide paints a scenario that these guys who were Wild at Heart could be the same guys that stormed the cliffs of Omaha Beach on D-Day and it asks “What kind of men were those men?” and the answer comes back, loud and clear – it is the same guys who are taking this study. When we visited Tammy, we visited Normandy and I waded knee deep on Omaha Beach and asked that same question. By the way, although the Division Chaplain is a UGA grad, he is a very good guy.

Yong Hui has our home almost where she wants it. We have a good friend who has been helping us decorate the interior and it is amazing how they have put it together. There is only one problem left and we know the what, but we have not organized the how. Yong Hui likes hard beds and we need to get some thick plywood to go under the mattress so she can sleep through the night. (Right now our mattress is on the floor and that is doing the trick).

There are several prayer requests for us:
Prayer for opportunities for formal discipling with the high school boys. Being a new teacher, I have not developed the ‘right to be heard’ that is required for them to want to submit to my leadership.
I am planning on leading an Experiencing God class during Sunday School beginning in November, so lift that us as well.
Tammy is heading for Africa with a group ‘Heart for Africa’ and needs prayers in raising the funds and for physical strength as the group is doing a lot in just a few days.
Tim and Jason are in a Precept Bible Study on the Book of James and need prayer for which book they will do after James is over. They are doing the study on Wednesdays at our house.
Yong Hui needs wisdom as she develops her lesson plans for her Bibles studies.
We joined the Uijongbu Baptist Church and need prayer to find our place of service at the church. We also need to pray for the church as the pastor who has been there over ten years is going to retire in May and we need the right pastor with a heart for the military and for the South Koreans in our area to succeed him.

November 2006

Dear Friends, I wonder where the time goes.
I would like to give you an insight to our daily and weekly routines.
Yong Hui has a weekly routine of teaching a Bible Study on the names of God and helping clean the church on Thursday. This is a major project for the ladieswhich is in addition to the Wednesday evening church services and the Sunday services. The Korean ladies cook for the church every 1st Sunday, so that is quite an undertaking for the ladies and requires a lot of work on the preceding Saturday. Every other Tuesday, Yong Hui has a Beth Moore Bible Study, To Live is Christ. So she stays busy on a regular basis and Thanksgiving was the ARTEP for her. (ARTEPs are the readiness tests that we took while I was in the army to test the ability of our units to conduct warfare – and which were the times that both Jason and Tammy were born.) Yong Hui is also taking classes to become a registered acupuncturist.
My routine in school is interesting because on Mondays we pray in Barnabas Groups, on Tuesday and Thursday we have staff devotions, on Wednesdays we have high school chapel, and on Fridays we have a praise and prayer session. Every other Friday I have a group of elementary students who stay after school for a model airplane group that uses paper airplane design to make a wide variety of airplanes, some that work well and some that do not. In addition to these events, I have a Saturday Bible Studies: the 2nd and 4th weeks I meet with officers and men of Camp Red Cloud for a study on Wild At Heart and on the 3rd week we meet with the Uijongbu Baptist Church.
My daily routine has devotions early and I arrive at school (a five minute walk) by 6 am. I always liked the early morning hours when it was my duty to wake up the dawn. Rogers told his Rangers to be ready for attacks at dawn and dusk because that is when the French and Indians attack. In all the years I was in the army, the French and Indians never attacked us, so that strategy must have worked. This gives me time before the students arrive to be prepared for the day of chemistry, physics, and biology. Next semester, I will also have one class of world history.
At the end of the school day, I go to Camp Red Cloud for an hour of swimming. I get home about 5:30 and we have supper and get ready for the evening activities which include Wednesday services.
I am discipling Min in a series called MILK as I am going through the very basics of Christianity which includes the assurance of his salvation and other topics that a new Christian needs to understand.
I had a busy month of giving formal devotions and messages. I led two devotions for the teachers on the power of God and on Psalm 145. I gave a chapel message with the theme of Working Hard, Praying Hard, and letting God do the rest. I presented the message one Wednesday on what it means to be a good soldier, following 2 Timothy 2. I have also started to teach a Sunday School class using the Experiencing God workbook.
One of the highlights of the month was being the male chaperone from our school for a leadership team that went to Seoul for a conference sponsored by Dr. Jeff Meyer of the Passing the Baton ministries. He talked to 41 students from our network of schools from Indonesia, Singapore, China, and the 3 Korean schools. We learned to lead how Jesus led and our students began to develop a spiritual goal for our school. It was very good time and I pray that they will continue the work that they began.
Thanksgiving week was a week of many calories as we had three turkey meals that week. It seemed strange having to buy two turkeys but we needed one for the school and one for church. It also is amazing how those two turkeys fill up a refrigerator.
Our prayer requests are varied this month:
As you read this, Tammy is in Africa with a mission trip. Some of you may have helped her raise support.
Jason is without a job as the County of El Paso terminated his HVAC contract because of problems with the contract that was to change all the meters from the standard meter to radio meters to enable the readers to get a reading from their cars without going into the yard. It seems that public opinion was definitely against this upgrade.
We need wisdom as we prepare for the Semester Exams and our students need the peace that passes understanding as they prepare for them. The seniors also need this peace as they are busily trying to get into colleges.
Yong Hui needs prayer as she continues in her Bible Study. The ladies in her study are very young in the Lord and she needs to feed them milk until they can receive the meat.
Yong Hui and I pray for physical strength. I took my flu shot and had a very sore stomach virus or whatever kind of thing that it was supposed to prevent. If I were a horse, I would have been shot and melted down to make glue.
We will be traveling to Colorado Springs on 20 December and we pray for journey mercies for us and Tammy who will travel on 22 December
I pray that we will remember the reason for the season as we look at all the prophecies that Jesus accomplished when He arrived as a Babe in Bethlehem.