Monday, January 15, 2007

November 2006

Dear Friends, I wonder where the time goes.
I would like to give you an insight to our daily and weekly routines.
Yong Hui has a weekly routine of teaching a Bible Study on the names of God and helping clean the church on Thursday. This is a major project for the ladieswhich is in addition to the Wednesday evening church services and the Sunday services. The Korean ladies cook for the church every 1st Sunday, so that is quite an undertaking for the ladies and requires a lot of work on the preceding Saturday. Every other Tuesday, Yong Hui has a Beth Moore Bible Study, To Live is Christ. So she stays busy on a regular basis and Thanksgiving was the ARTEP for her. (ARTEPs are the readiness tests that we took while I was in the army to test the ability of our units to conduct warfare – and which were the times that both Jason and Tammy were born.) Yong Hui is also taking classes to become a registered acupuncturist.
My routine in school is interesting because on Mondays we pray in Barnabas Groups, on Tuesday and Thursday we have staff devotions, on Wednesdays we have high school chapel, and on Fridays we have a praise and prayer session. Every other Friday I have a group of elementary students who stay after school for a model airplane group that uses paper airplane design to make a wide variety of airplanes, some that work well and some that do not. In addition to these events, I have a Saturday Bible Studies: the 2nd and 4th weeks I meet with officers and men of Camp Red Cloud for a study on Wild At Heart and on the 3rd week we meet with the Uijongbu Baptist Church.
My daily routine has devotions early and I arrive at school (a five minute walk) by 6 am. I always liked the early morning hours when it was my duty to wake up the dawn. Rogers told his Rangers to be ready for attacks at dawn and dusk because that is when the French and Indians attack. In all the years I was in the army, the French and Indians never attacked us, so that strategy must have worked. This gives me time before the students arrive to be prepared for the day of chemistry, physics, and biology. Next semester, I will also have one class of world history.
At the end of the school day, I go to Camp Red Cloud for an hour of swimming. I get home about 5:30 and we have supper and get ready for the evening activities which include Wednesday services.
I am discipling Min in a series called MILK as I am going through the very basics of Christianity which includes the assurance of his salvation and other topics that a new Christian needs to understand.
I had a busy month of giving formal devotions and messages. I led two devotions for the teachers on the power of God and on Psalm 145. I gave a chapel message with the theme of Working Hard, Praying Hard, and letting God do the rest. I presented the message one Wednesday on what it means to be a good soldier, following 2 Timothy 2. I have also started to teach a Sunday School class using the Experiencing God workbook.
One of the highlights of the month was being the male chaperone from our school for a leadership team that went to Seoul for a conference sponsored by Dr. Jeff Meyer of the Passing the Baton ministries. He talked to 41 students from our network of schools from Indonesia, Singapore, China, and the 3 Korean schools. We learned to lead how Jesus led and our students began to develop a spiritual goal for our school. It was very good time and I pray that they will continue the work that they began.
Thanksgiving week was a week of many calories as we had three turkey meals that week. It seemed strange having to buy two turkeys but we needed one for the school and one for church. It also is amazing how those two turkeys fill up a refrigerator.
Our prayer requests are varied this month:
As you read this, Tammy is in Africa with a mission trip. Some of you may have helped her raise support.
Jason is without a job as the County of El Paso terminated his HVAC contract because of problems with the contract that was to change all the meters from the standard meter to radio meters to enable the readers to get a reading from their cars without going into the yard. It seems that public opinion was definitely against this upgrade.
We need wisdom as we prepare for the Semester Exams and our students need the peace that passes understanding as they prepare for them. The seniors also need this peace as they are busily trying to get into colleges.
Yong Hui needs prayer as she continues in her Bible Study. The ladies in her study are very young in the Lord and she needs to feed them milk until they can receive the meat.
Yong Hui and I pray for physical strength. I took my flu shot and had a very sore stomach virus or whatever kind of thing that it was supposed to prevent. If I were a horse, I would have been shot and melted down to make glue.
We will be traveling to Colorado Springs on 20 December and we pray for journey mercies for us and Tammy who will travel on 22 December
I pray that we will remember the reason for the season as we look at all the prophecies that Jesus accomplished when He arrived as a Babe in Bethlehem.

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