Thursday, January 29, 2009

February Prayer Points

**Yong Hui and I continue to walk by faith and not by sight
**The High School swim season starts on 16 Feb
**The Thailand Mission Team is preparing to go to Bangkok
**The semester Spiritual Emphasis Week will be the last week of February
**Pray for the seniors as they wait for letters of acceptance
**Pray for our final preparations for the accreditation inspection by the Association of Christian Schools International and Western Association of Schools
++We need a Bible Teacher and several other teachers for next year

January Highlights

**The number one highlight is that we are back in the saddle again. It took some doing as Yong Hui and I flew from Denver to Seoul on two different airlines. Mine got there a full day ahead as United was late out of Denver and missed the connecting flight in San Francisco, so Yong Hui had to remain overnight there.
**School has started up and our seniors have begun receiving notifications of college acceptance. One girl is headed to West Point, another to Purdue, and another to University of Connecticut.
**I preached at Camp Stanley on Philippians 4:4-19 on the Lunar New Year weekend.
**The Bible studies at Camp Red Cloud are going well.
**Yong Hui has had a good month as God continues to show He has healed her.
**The Middle School swim season came and went during January.