Saturday, March 22, 2008

Prayer Requests for April

*Most of you know that Yong Hui has cancer in her lungs by now. She had colon cancer while we were in Sylvester, Georgia and we thought it was completely gone. Yong Hui is in Colorado Springs, taking tests so the doctors can decide her treatment plan.
*Two other teachers and I are going to Thailand with six students to teach Vacation Bible School at a Summer Camp.
*We finished the 3rd Quarter and have one quarter to go. Pray for the seniors to finish strong.
*Pray the swim team as it has gotten off to a very good start and has the league championship meet in the end of April.
*All other prayer requests pale when compared to the top two. I do praise God for the support that I have had during the last two weeks. I know our God is a Healing God and by His Stripes we are healed.

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