Sunday, February 24, 2008

Highlights of February

For such a short month with a lot of holidays, it seems we have been extremely busy:
1. One of the highlights was that my first roommate from West Point -- Jim Hickey, accompanied Yong Hui and me to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Birth of Christianity exhibit in Seoul. We had a good time and learned a lot.
2. My hiking buddy took me to a theme park of Dae Jang Geum. Check her out in the internet. She is quite the Korean hero.
3. The school took the Lunar New Year off and I thought I might have a chance to see a lunar eclipse on 20 Feb, but the visible area only went as far west as Hawaii.
4. We started swim team practice and we have a great team this year. Considering last year when we had 5 guys who could not swim 50 meters at the start of the practice, we have made a significant improvement.
5. We finalized the trip to Thailand with teaching assignments for the Vacation Bible School we will help teach. There are 9 students and 1 teacher accompanying Yong Hui and me.
6. Life at Camp Stanley continues to be great. Yong Hui is enjoying the people there in her position as Outreach Coordinator and I enjoy the atmosphere and the energy of the young officers and soldiers at the Sunday School. It is very neat to meet all of the soldiers heading to the 2nd Infantry Division (or at least the ones who come to chapel)
7. In one of the fun things I was able to do: I gave a physical fitness test to a home schooled student who is trying for a ROTC scholarship and I am working with one of my students to go to one of the Service Academies.

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